"If the Soil Could Talk" tells the multi-generational saga of Behlo's family, beginning with Okoro and Femi. From their youthful adventures to adulthood, their story is marked by challenges and growth, culminating in the birth of their daughter, Iffia (Behlo's Mother). Okoro’s exile and subsequent rescue by a mystical community introduce Yahya, a fairy goddess married to Kwame Asare N’Golo, whose son Kappo will later become Behlo’s father.
In the second season, the focus shifts to the lives of Kwame and Yahya, alongside historical figures Maghan Konfara, Sogolon, and Sasuma, setting the stage for the next generation: Kappo, Iffia, and Sundiata. The narrative frames these events as a bedtime story for Behlo, revealing the rich history and legacy of his family tree.
Themes of fatherhood and motherhood are central, exploring how parents prepare their children for a world filled with both magic and peril. The series weaves together the structure, politics, and fantasy of Behlo's world, capturing the essence of its culture and heritage.